3 Reasons Why Having an Email List Is So Valuable

A strong email list is by far one of your most valuable assets. An email list is a great tool when it comes to building an online following. Email marketing remains one of the most result-oriented techniques in the dynamic world of marketing. Here are 3 reasons why having an email list is still considered one of the most crucial things for marketers to possess. 

1) Delivery Rates

Technological milestones have made access to the internet easier for populations across the globe. More than half the time, time online is used to look for a particular product or service. In these busy times, your target audience may not check your website, but they could check their email multiple times throughout the day. Hence, by putting yourself in their inbox you increase the chance of them viewing your products/services and therefore purchasing.
People are less likely to ignore a notification of a new inbox item in their email. As such, strong email lists give relative assurance or at least afford you higher chances that any communication sent does indeed reach the intended parties.

2) A Show of Commitment

The second reason an email list is so valuable is that it communicates a sense of commitment and trust by persons, both individual and corporate in your contact list. There are many subscription opportunities around, and the fact that someone deliberately and consciously adds you to that list is a sign of this commitment. A quality email list consists of contacts with actual interest in what you have to offer.
These contacts are a valuable asset as you can expect that a certain proportion will forward your emails and hence spread your brand.

3) Feedback Opportunity

The last reason lies in the fact that email marketing gives you good standing. When it comes to receiving feedback from your email contacts. Emails afford a certain level of privacy that emboldens people. which means that you are more likely to receive feedback on an email and any other follow-up, compared to comments on an update. Emails are a one-on-one communication channel and subscribers feel confident to raise any concerns and seek any clarification.

Email marketing is an effective marketing strategy with a strong email list. Your chances of making big leaps online are increased significantly. As you can see, having an email list is extremely important as it acts as a direct method of communication. Whereby you can establish trust and build relationships with your audience.

3 Ways to Reduce Your Email Lists Unsubscribe Rate

There is no doubt that an increase in your unsubscribe rate can be disappointing, but it will inevitably happen at some point.

There will be instances where your readers will unsubscribe from your mailing list. And you can’t help but wonder if there’s something you could have done differently to prevent that.

Well, it turns out there might be some techniques that could be utilized to reduce the rate of unsubscribed. 

1) Use Simple, but Engaging Subject Lines

The subject line is one of the most important aspects of an email marketing campaign and it has a strong impact on the unsubscribe rate. Likewise, crafting the appropriate message for the subject line is a daunting task, because it should attract the reader to open your email.

As much as possible, keep it short and simple; ideally, 28-39 characters long. Your subject line should also illustrate what’s inside the email. Don’t be afraid to use all caps when you want to emphasize something or use the word ‘free’ with an exclamation point.

These are just some of the ways that could entice your subscribers to open your email. As for the content, ensure that it’s something informative for the readers. This will make it more difficult for them to unsubscribe from your mailing list.

2) Offer Customized Email Frequency

The most common reason why a lot of email recipients unsubscribe is that they don’t enjoy receiving tons of emails a day. Aside from letting your subscribers choose the type of emails they would receive. Allow them to adjust the frequency with which they receive these emails, such as multiple times a day, once a week, or monthly. This will prevent you from bombarding them with emails that they don’t even want to receive in the first place.

3) Survey Those That Unsubscribe for Feedback

Last, but not least, there’s a reason why some of your subscribers hit the unsubscribe button.

It’s ideal to set up a survey that the readers must answer once they unsubscribe.

The insights you can collect from these surveys can give you the information you need. And it will help you figure out the real reason why they chose to unsubscribe.

Keep the survey short and simple. You don’t want to irritate the customers, but determine why they chose to leave. Ask questions, such as “Did you find these emails useful?” If respondents say that your emails aren’t valuable to them, then it’s time to revisit your approach to your email content.

5 Tips For Writing Engaging Email Copy

1) Make your content scannable

You have to break your content up into short paragraphs. Your subscribers are busy living their lives, so you must adapt to this situation, by making your emails easy to scan by including images and subheadings.

These images and subheadings will lead them through the email quickly. A teaser should be added at the top of your newsletter to let your subscribers know what is in store for them. Make your subject line easy to digest and to the point too. Leave tons of time for revision and editing. Check your style and grammar, as these components are very important for your emails.

2) Be friendly

Write using a friendly, informal tone. Since your subscribers will be in a relaxed frame of mind when they check out their emails, a friendly tone will work most effectively. Therefore, avoid using a strong formal tone in your emails; instead, make sure to write naturally. In addition, you should include the subscriber’s first name in the greetings to make the email personalized and to make them feel valued.

3) Know your audience

You need to figure out what is important for the subscribers of your list. What do they love? Are they young or old? Did they purchase products or services from you in the past? You need to know a lot of things about your audience, as this will allow you to be able to send a relevant and targeted copy to them.

4) The value proposition and unique selling proposition

You need to find out the reasons why your customers buy your service or product. What are the main benefits of the product? Why is your service or product a lot better than its competitors? What makes it unique? This is the kind of information that can make your email copy stand out. If your offer really stands out from the competition, you will get a great response.

Therefore, you need to emphasize something that your competitors do not offer or that they will not offer in the future to your subscribers. Your proposition must be so strong that your subscribers feel they are pulled by the features or the proposition.

5) Compelling subject line

In the subject line, you will try to convince your subscribers that they really need to open the email. “You” is the best word you can use to attract the attention of your readers. This word says that the message is not about your product but about them. This personal touch allows you to connect with your readers and build relationships.

5 Ways To Boost Your Email Conversion Rate

A few simple steps will help you boost your email conversion rate and ultimately make you more money. These tried and tested tips will prove valuable in time. Give these 5 ways to boost your email conversion rate a try and watch your business grow faster than ever.

1) Increase your click-through rate

With the advancement in technology, many people are able to view a preview of their emails in the notification panel on their smartphones. Strategizing what goes into the preview on the email to catch the reader’s attention is the first step in increasing your click-through rate.

Once you have the reader’s attention, there’s so much potential with what you can do with it. Getting your reader’s attention and keeping it is crucial when trying to increase your click-through rate. Make sure your preview is direct as well, that it goes straight to the point instead of having irrelevant links or pictures. 

2) Consistency

Consistency across your emails and website is crucial. One of the most direct ways to boost your email conversion rate is to repeat the main message in the email on your website. It can be done with a short catchphrase or an image as long it is something that is memorable and easily associated with you and your product.

The goal is to keep the customer going straight through toward a purchase. If the email has a promotional code in it, the promotional code should be easily used when checking out on the website for example. 

3) Understand how consumers view emails

With the wide assortment of gadgets out there from tablets to laptops to smartphones. Understanding how your main target audience views your emails will help you optimize your emails based on the device. Creating a good experience, one that will boost your conversion rates. 

4) Personalization

Everyone is unique and likes to feel special, don’t they? Your customers are no different. Personalization of the emails that they receive can help in promoting familiarity and trust, two things that will influence a purchase. Avoid batches and blasts as much as you can. 

5) Timing matters

Sending your emails at the right time of the day can make a huge difference in today’s world.

Do some research and testing to find out. What time of the day your email conversion rates have been the highest and work from there. For every business, this is different, as the target audience is different.

Experiment and find out the ideal time of day to send out your emails to best reach your audience.

How Can You Monetize Your Email List (3 methods)

Email is one of the most powerful methods of marketing to your niche audience.

Building a substantial email list can take a considerable amount of time. And it’s reasonable to assume that after this you would like a way to generate income from your efforts.

1) Method One: Promote Affiliate Products Through Email Marketing

Affiliate marketing products can be promoted in a lot of ways. But email marketing is one of the most efficient and profitable ways. The first step as a beginner is to find the best email provider that you can. This is a company that will let you store your email list with them and sends your emails to them in bulk.

Try to make the content that you are sending to your subscribers stand out from the rest of the competition. This will help you to build your reputation and gain the trust of your followers.

Don’t sell products in an aggressive way, as this will likely deter your customers. Instead, create attractive content for your subscribers and in time you will gain their trust and appreciate what you have to offer. Only then should you promote your products, and only in a natural and passive way. As if you are doing them a favor by sharing it with them.

2) Method Two: Banner Advertising

If you have a really cool newsletter to share with your list every day. A great way to monetize it depending on the niche is to use banners. Advertisers usually search for groups interested in a certain domain. The banners must be placed strategically and you have to make the banner ad campaign as natural as possible.

In general, you will be paid based on the number of people who click the banner and go through to the target website. Hence, it’s in your best interest to only advertise products that you believe in and think that your subscribers will actually find useful.

3) Method Three: Charge for a Premium Subscription

When you are already providing a daily or weekly newsletter and you have reached a large audience, it is time to make the next step. But, you really need good information to use as premium content. People who subscribe to your premium content expect to receive information that they can’t find elsewhere.

It’s crucial that you are an expert in the field that you are promoting or at least have an expert write the content, as people have the tendency to trust individuals with established authority in their niche.

3 Tips to Increase the Size of your Email List

Keeping a quality contact list and performing email marketing is an essential practice for any business. To significantly boost the size of your email list you need to practice the following steps.

1) Promote the value of signing up to potential clients

Marketing is all about showing people what they are missing out on and keeping them wanting more. They need to see the value of receiving regular information and getting involved. Don’t underestimate phrases such as “regular monthly prizes for signing up” or “discounts for the first one hundred subscribers”.

These are powerful tools to attract as much attention as possible. It’s a huge difference from the regular “join our listings”, tell them why and you are guaranteed a lot more interest.

2) Run weekly or monthly competitions

Staying on the theme of prizes and offering extras, you should consider running competitions that require an email address for participation. It doesn’t have to be anything extreme, just something small on occasion to keep things exciting and different for clients.

They will always have the option to unsubscribe. But be sure to keep them away from that box by producing regular, intriguing content. That will assure the thought of unsubscribing is far from their mind. This will also keep your emails away from the spam box, they will want to receive them and keep them on the important list.

3) Get friends and family involved

Who better to recommend your services and promote your business than those who know you best? The value of a strong recommendation and review is priceless for company owners. They can pass along information to those they feel will surely benefit from it, along with a glowing endorsement for extra intrigue.

As long as they can say they approve of your business then it’s a win-win situation. Also, don’t forget to include a small noticeable link in your E-mail that features the option to forward it to a friend.

These 3 methods are the simplest ways to start spreading your business into the hands of potential customers. There is no money involved to cut into the company budget. All it takes is a brief amount of time to put the wheels into motion and start to see the benefits.

The next stage is working on your content so that the people on your list remain there for the foreseeable future. And better yet they find a multitude of reasons to forward your E-mails.

Write Emails That People Actually Read!

Email Marketing can be a driving force in lead generation and for quite some time now businesses looking for an affordable method of marketing have turned to email marketing. 

However, the biggest challenge most marketers face is improving the “open and read rate”. There are a lot of creative ways marketers can explore to ensure that emails targeted toward a specific subset of customers are read.

1) Develop Catchy Subject Lines

one of the best ways to improve your “open and read Rate” is to develop catchy and creative subject lines for all your emails. A lot of people often decide whether or not to open an email message based on the subject line. So making it interesting and provoking can be a perfect strategy to increase the percentage of emails that are actually read.

You can try to put in some numbers and facts about your subjects. But also make sure they are short, non-formal, and most importantly concise and straight to the point.

2) Optimize Your Mailing List

secondly, it is important to always send out your email messages to people who actually care. There is no value in sending loads of emails to lots of people who perhaps have no idea who you are. 

Therefore, when you are developing the mailing list always target potential subscribers. That may have some interest in your business or the products it offers. Additionally, try to refresh and improve your mailing list so that every time your email goes out someone somewhere is expecting it.

3) Know the right time to hit send

well, email marketing has since been automated with a broad diversity of software. But you can still schedule your emails so that they are sent at specific time frames. It is important to first of all understand at what time your target audiences check out their inbox. 

Ideally, people would normally check their inboxes at mid-morning hours and as such sending your messages at this time can be a great way to improve your open and read rates. However, this is not definite and it’s crucial that you adapt to your own target audience. And understand when they check their inboxes and at what frequency so that you can schedule your email marketing campaign accordingly.

Email marketing is a great tool to maintain customer loyalty and improve sales. The above three tips should help you improve your “open and read rates” with no hassle at all.

P.S. – Email Frequency – Too Much, Too Little?

Many people believe that sending as many emails as possible is the key to success. Their premises for their reasoning is logical – more emails sent equals more people reached equals more possible engagement. Or, if they are limited to a certain number of e-mail addresses, then the more emails sent to those emails means a higher probability that recipients will open at least one and be intrigued enough to respond.

For your emailing campaigns, it is better to think of your marketing as a long-term ongoing effort rather than separate campaigns. If your goal is to get people to engage with your email and not simply open it and read it (meaning you want them to actually click on something that brings them to your website or store), you need to focus on how to get those clicks rather than how many emails you can possibly send out each month.

After reviewing multiple studies for different business types. Economists can give a general outline of what the best method is in general. By using data from different types of businesses, these conclusions are general and should not be considered the perfect formula for any specific business. It’s important that rather than sending exactly 3 emails a day. Just because you saw it work for one person, you try to understand your audience and respond accordingly.