Right now we’d like to congratulate you on your decision to take this opportunity to learn all about using this amazing internet platform to grow your business, as well as to thank you for choosing this blog.
If you want to build your professional brand as an authority in your niche or industry, answering people’s questions is excellent.
Even if you’re not a top expert in a particular subject, chances are you still know more than others. Quora is a great place to start. This question and answer network allows you to help others on any subject.
What is Quora?

Quora is a social media platform where users can interact by asking questions and providing answers to each other.
Quite simply, it is a “Question and Answer” website that is similar to a forum or board but with more social features and a very large audience. Quora is an open platform that allows people from all around the world to share their knowledge on any topic, niche, or industry.
Quite simply, it is a “Question and Answer” website that is similar to a forum or board but with more social features and a very large audience. Quora is an open platform that allows people from all around the world to share their knowledge on any topic, niche, or industry.
How does this work?

Quora is perhaps the simplest-to-use “question and answer” site you can find, and it works like an open-ended yet very streamlined internet forum. Anyone can join the site and it just takes a few clicks to ask questions or give answers.

When you join the site, you’ll be able to select or “follow” the topics that you are interested in. Generally, people follow topics that they know about so they can help others with answers, as well as topics they’re curious about, so they can ask questions and get custom answers with the information they’re looking for.
You’ll notice that Quora is a social media platform when you start using the site because it uses a front-page feed where you’ll find questions made by other users, which you can respond to with a single click, as well as answers provided in posts related to the topics that you choose to follow.
Why should you consider Quora for Marketing?

Quora is undoubtedly a great tool Brands and marketers thank you for this social nature. It lets you attach directly with users, which presents a Great opportunity to have a meaningful conversation.
Not only that, but it will help you build a long-lasting impression when you give a good answer to a question.
Building awareness and authority comes down to providing value, and Quora gives you all the tools you need to present your personal brand or company as a source of information.
When you answer a question with a thoughtful and helpful reply, users will be encouraged to take a look at your profile, and what’s more, to follow your brand and the answers that you give to other users.
Best of all is that, when users follow you and see your answers on topics they also follow, they will upvote your replies, which will push your content to the top of the results, exposing your brand to even more people!
What benefits can Quora provide for your Business?

Big brands and businesses of all types have not missed the opportunity to grow their online presence by joining Quora.
This is not only because it’s great for marketing yourself or your company when you apply the right strategies, but also because Quora has great features for businesses too.
First off, Quora can help your brand or company appear on the first page of search results when people search a term that appears as a question that you have answered on Quora because Quora answers usually appear on top of search results pages!
Another benefit is that Quora promotes great answers to popular questions on “Quora Digest”, a daily newsletter they send to its users.
Lastly, Quora has a unique Advertising platform that will help you reach even more people and send more traffic to your site, at a very affordable cost!
What’s the future for Quora?

Quora is growing and improving every day, and there are many brands and businesses joining it as we speak.
This is mainly because Quora is getting more and more popular in regions that are becoming increasingly profitable for online businesses, such as India and Latin America, but also because large companies are putting in money to make their advertising service bigger and better.
This means that by establishing a presence and authority on Quora today, you’ll have access to a bigger, untapped, and very profitable audience in the future. So, are you ready to start your Quora Marketing journey? Yes? Then let’s get
Create A Quora Account

Creating A Quora account is a fairly simple job. Start by visiting the Quora homepage at “quora.com”.You will be prompted to log in or sign up. You can sign up using your Google account, your Facebook account, or your email address.
For this example, we are going to sign up by email. To do this, simply click on the “sign up with email” link.
On the following page, enter your first name, last name, email address, and password. Solve the captcha, and then click on the “sign up” button.
Follow Your Topics Of Interest

Awesome! You just joined Quora, and now it is time to follow your topics of interest.
You have to choose topics so Quora can show you questions and answers about those topics in your Quora feed.
Simply select 10 or more topics from this window. Make sure to select topics that are directly related to your areas of expertise and your niche. You can click on the “Continue” button after you have selected your interests.
After you select your interests, you will be suggested to follow “spaces”. Quora “Spaces” are communities that users and contributors have created around the topics that you just selected. Here you have to select up to three spaces. You can click on “next” after you select your spaces to continue.
Next, you will be suggested to select additional languages that you know. You will be suggested languages according to your region. Make your selection, and click on “done”.
Create An Attractive Profile And Optimize Your Bio

Now that you completed your registration, it is time to create and optimize your profile. Start by clicking on the profile icon located in the top-right corner of the screen, and then click on the tab with your name.
In the profile section, you will be able to edit your photo, your name, your profile credentials, your bio, your credentials, highlights, and “knows about” credentials.
Let’s start by clicking on the “Add photo” button inside the profile icon to upload the profile picture. Ok, now click on the “add profile credential” and enter your title or position at your company into the “profile credential” field. Then click on “save”.
Alright, now click on “write a description about yourself” to open the bio editing window. Here you are going to write your professional bio.
Please bear in mind that Quora only shows the first 50 characters of your bio when users see your profile in the feed. Because of this, we recommend that you add the keywords that best describe your brand or business, as well as your position within the company that you will be promoting, right into the first line of your description.
Here you can even include links to your other channels. To do this, click on the “link” button, and enter your social profile URL into the “URL” field. Check the “footnote” option, and then click on the “Add” button. You can click on the “update” button when you’re ready to save your bio.
Now it is time to add credentials and highlights.
First, click on “add employment credential” to add information about your employment, and click on “save” when you’re done. Next, click on “add education credential” to enter your educational background info. Save, and then click on “add location credential” to add information about your current location.
After you save, you can click on the “edit” button in the “credentials and highlights” section to add more credentials.
Now click on the edit button in the “knows about” section to add the topics that you know about to your profile. Click on “Done” when you are finished adding these topics.
Finding Questions To Answer

Now that your profile is complete and optimized, it is time to learn where you can find questions to answer. To do this for the first time, click on the “answer your first question” link.
This will take you to the “questions” section, which you can also access from anywhere on the site by clicking on the “answer” tab.
And this is it for this lesson friends! But get ready, because in the following lesson we’ll be showing you how to use these Quora features to market your business!
Creating Backlinks On Quora

Quora is a platform made for users and contributors first, but that doesn’t mean you can’t apply effective marketing strategies when you know how to do it right.
Building backlinks is one of those strategies that lots of marketers have a hard time with. Luckily, Quora makes it easy for you to put backlinks that people will see and click through, and we’ll show you how in this lesson!
You can add text links within an answer as backlinks to a content piece on your website. This strategy is similar to interlinking content on your blog, or to citing content from an external site with a text link.
Let’s see how by editing an existing answer. Go to your profile page and click on the “answers” shortcut under the “feeds” menu.
Let’s see how by editing an existing answer. Go to your profile page and click on the “answers” shortcut under the “feeds” menu.
Now locate an answer where you can add a text link to a content piece on your site. Click on the “more” button, and then on “edit answer”.
Now find a word, phrase, or line that you can use as a citation. Highlight this text, and then click on the “link” button in the toolbar. Now enter the URL of the article you are using as the source or citation, and then click on “add”.
Now that you added your citation backlink, click on the “update” button to save your changes. Easy, right?
Distributing content with the help of Quora.

Quora is a very good place to distribute content that can help you to increase your exposure.
While you can’t use Quora to distribute content the traditional way, you can use it to distribute content in the form of answers.
We already walked you through ways to repurpose content from your blog on Quora.
But we’d like to highlight that the flywheel dictates that you leverage each one of your answers to write content that is optimized for search.
One of the greatest benefits of writing for Quora is that your answers are saved to the platform permanently.
When you write answers that are optimized and evergreen, you’ll get the same benefit you’d get from writing in your blog. Because they will be shown to people searching for the same keywords and terms in your answers.
The Quora flywheel dictates that you dedicate a proportional amount of effort to Quora as you’d dedicate to your other channels.
In other words, for every blog post, video, or long-form social media post that you create to distribute content, you have to find a Quora question that you can answer by repurposing the content that you just created!
Create a great profile so that anyone who wants to know more about you can do so and click through to your website or other social profile.
It’s a rule among Quora marketers to give at least one or two answers a day. Not only will this help you increase awareness as users will see your contributor profile more often, but it will also help you increase your relevance to the Quora algorithm.
Share content on Quora to create invaluable information that other Quora users will want to follow.