Ability to attract readers
When you are using article marketing, you can promote your website in many different ways. Not only does article marketing have the ability to attract readers who can be directed to your site due to the links that are provided in the article but it also has the ability to build up your status in the search engines due to link backs and SEO content. Article marketing is the best way to use SEO for your website.
There are many article hubs where you can post articles for free online. They are easy to use as you can submit your articles to them and have them go live. Most of them have certain restrictions regarding article length that you will have to comply with when you are submitting articles. They will allow you to post a link to the website at the end of the article.

In some cases, you can put a hyperlink right into an article, although most article hubs will discourage any hyperlinking.
For the most part, the links are found at the end of the articles in a reference box.
The articles must be search engine optimized so that they can be found on the search engines.
The articles should contain about 2-3 percent of keyword density and also a link to the website that is placed at the end.
Some rules to follow when you are using article marketing in your SEO project are as follows:

Make the articles short but not too short – 400 words is best for the attention span of those online; In general, blogs post should be more than 1,000 words.
Use no more than 4 percent density when it comes to keywords;
Use the keywords in the title of the article and the first sentence;
Use the reference box to put the link in for the article;
Make sure that you have no broken links in your reference box;
Do not overuse the keywords as this will get the article rejected;
Come up with two or three keywords to use in an article;
Use a site that will spread the articles all over the internet.
One site that you may want to try for article marketing is www.ezinearticles.com. This site allows you to post up to 10 free articles with links back to your site. You must follow the terms of the site in order to get your articles posted.
Article hubs that will eventually distribute
Like most article hubs that will eventually distribute the articles all over the internet, Ezine will want to make sure that you are writing an informative, well-written article. The article should not contain any typos or spelling errors. You should check your grammar when you are writing your article to make sure that what you have written is grammatically correct. You do not have to shoot for Hemingway-style writing when you are trying to have an article published online, but you should shoot for reasonable quality.
Do not overstuff keywords as this will get your article kicked back. Use the keywords as directed and not more than 4 times for a 400-word article. Take a look at other repetitive words that you may be used in your articles and keep those to a minimum as well, even if they are not related to your original choice in keywords. You may, for example, be selling wedding shower bridal favors but will find that using “wedding showers” more than four times will get your article bounced back for excessive keyword usage.

Take the time to fix any articles
Take the time to fix any articles that do not meet the requirements. Most article hubs will help you out by telling you what is wrong with your articles. You can learn how to create articles that will help out your website when using article marketing in this way.
The articles that you use must be original. You cannot steal the articles from someone else, change a few words and put your name on them.
Article hubs run the articles through a check system to see if they appear anywhere else online. If they do, then they will bounce it back to you and the article will be rejected. Make sure that all of the articles that you use for article marketing are original.
Articles should be informative
Articles should be informative and not promotional at all. While some article hubs like Ezine allow for reviews of products, product reviews have to be non-partial and not read like a promotional piece. Your articles should all be information pieces that are designed to inform the public of a product or service without seeming to advertise anything.
Going back to the idea of a site for high-heeled shoes, articles would be written for such a site as to discuss the positive aspects of wearing high-heeled shoes, without any negative references. Some good ideas for article marketing for such a site would be the following titles of articles:

Why Your Legs Look Better Wearing High Heeled Shoes
High Heeled Shoes – What Are The Trends For Today?
How To Buy High Heeled Shoes Online
Each of these articles would be information pieces that would discuss the benefits of wearing high-heeled shoes and buying them online without seeming to be overly promotional. Remember that you want to keep your articles from any negative aspects of your product. But also not make it appear as if you are merely trying to advertise the product.
Think of “how” and “why” when you are considering titles for your articles. Remember that they should be informative articles that will help the public learn something that is relevant to your product.
All of the articles should be relevant to your product in a positive way. And should give the public information that they will want to know. You can submit your articles yourself to free article hubs. Or you can use an article submission service that can promote your articles for you.
There are two main reasons why people use article marketing online. They are:
The SEO used in the articles can attract a potential customer who will click on the link;
They establish links to your site and raise your status on the search engine results pages.

Of these two reasons, the latter is why most people choose to use article marketing online. While it is possible that someone would see your article and then click on the link to purchase the product that you are promoting. The main reason you should look to article marketing is to promote link building to your site.
There are many article hubs online that will offer you a chance to put your article online for free. You can find a list of free article marketing sites by going online and doing a search for them through Google. You can also use a site like www.articlemarketer.com to distribute articles online in this way. You pay a fee for an article marketer, but you do not have to manually submit the articles as this site will do it all for you.
Promote yourself
Article marketing is one of the best ways to get your product and service well known. Whether you are selling a product, service, or even an idea, you can benefit by marketing it online in this manner.
You do need to make sure that all of your articles are search engine optimized for your website. Once you start marketing articles online in this manner, you will see how easy it is to write and promote yourself online.
If you do not know how to write articles or do not want to take the time to do. So, you can promote yourself by hiring a copywriter to write your articles and distribute them online for you. Many of those who want to market their sites will pay a copywriter to write the articles for them. Some copywriters will also distribute the articles for you at a slight additional charge.
You can also display your effect on social media, even if it is LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or another free social platform. Sharing on social media provides an opportunity to reach a large audience than direct email. This can multiply your exposure.
Include keywords in your title.

The first and most simple way to enhance your keyword is to include it in the headline.
The closer you place it to the start-up of the headline, the more probable it is to rank higher in Google’s results.
Top results include words in the headline, and the best-performing pages have it coming out.
Your headline tag is generally the first thing a potential visitor will take notice of when executing a search. So this is your possibility to come to a positive first intuitive feeling.
Most pages don’t just rank for their “head” keyword, they in addition rank for plenty of other relevant terms and variations (i.e., long-tail keywords).
Make sure the keyword placement is organic. It’s preferable that the keyword is approximately the initiating, but it’s not needed for marvelous SEO.
The title of your blog post is the first element a reader will see when they come across your article. And it heavily influences whether they’ll click or keep scrolling.
Meta Description
If you want to increase your organic SEO ranking, the meta description can be the answer. A great meta description should force users to click through to your page in search results to learn more.
Your meta description is meant to give search engines and readers information about the content of your blog post. The maximum length of this meta description is —around 160 max recommended characters.
Make Internal Linking
The truth is that, in order to stand out as an industry leader in a sea of content, it is essential to use both internal and external links to promote good SEO and content rankings. This spices up the life and usefulness of the material initially and over a long period of time doing well. And Google uses it as one of the top three criteria for content ranking.
Images/videos in content
You can add photos, videos, and other images to your blog posts. When you add images to your blog. Search engines often rank engaging content higher in search results. Images and videos are far more attractive than plain text. When you split the body of text with some compelling images/videos, people are more inclined to read what you type.