Let’s be honest blogging is great fun. It’s especially fun if you are blogging about something near and dear to you.
Add making money from your blog, and you have a combination that’s hard to beat. f you’re like most bloggers you want to make money with your blog. The good news is you can. It’s possible to earn a couple of hundred dollars a month, some even replace their job income.
Truth be told it’s unlikely you’ll earn a fulltime income overnight; heck you probably won’t do it next month. But, if you treat monetizing your blog like eating an elephant, one bite at a time, you can reach your income goals rather quickly.
There are two general ways to make money with your blog; through your blog or because of your blog. You can blog by taking paid advertisements or selling products and services.
You can make money because of your blog by being hired for writing assignments, speaking engagements, or you might be given a new job. This guide will show you many different ways to make money with your blog. Pick a couple, mix and match, and you’ll be making money in no time.
One of the most lucrative ways to monetize your blog is by selling advertising space. Selling your own ad space gives you the advantage of setting your own rates and cutting out the middleman (which puts more money in your pocket.)
Before you rush out selling advertising there are a couple of things to consider; first, you must have a large audience in order to get qualified advertisers. Second, it takes time to manage sales, payments, ad design, placement, etc.
If you aren’t an experienced online marketer and blogger you will save a lot of time and money by using one of the many advertising services available to monetize your blog. For a small share of your commission an advertising service will take on the administrative headaches and marketing woes so you can concentrate on blogging and making money.
There are several types of ads available for you to put on your blog. The most common are pay per post, pay per click (PPC), cost per impression (CPM), and text-link ads.
Pay Per Post
We love to give our opinions, don’t we? And, just as true, we rely on other people’s opinions to give us insight when deciding on which big screen T.V. to buy or who we have to work on our car. Twitter reported that 34% of bloggers post opinions about products, brands, and services.
The principle idea of pay per post is to bring something very popular to something highly sought after and make a win/win situation. Pay per post is an advertising program that works by bringing advertisers and bloggers together.
The advertiser pays the blogger to write reviews about their services or products and post those reviews to the blogger’s site. The blogger gets paid for the review and the advertiser gets another promotion for their product, as well as a link to their website.
You write the review in your own tone. Constructive criticism is encouraged, but rude or hateful reviews will usually be declined. Pay per post sites or services gives writers and advertisers a meeting place. They give them a place to come together and negotiate.
After the advertisers and writers agree to terms, payment is made by the advertiser to the pay per post site. The advertiser gets their review and the blogger gets paid (by the pay per post service).
The pay per post service collects a cut of the earnings for their efforts. Payments range from as little as $2 to as much as $1000.
Making Extra Income Via Your Blog

$1000 is a pretty good ‘extra’ income, wouldn’t you say?
Even if the niche is small and obscure, it can still be extremely profitable and under-monetized with big potential. However, don’t go too small into sub-niches with absolutely no competition because chances are there’s not much money in them.
Although some things should always be kept in mind.
Niche Research
Remember: People pay for solutions to their problems. It’s really just as simple as finding out what your target market wants and giving it to them.
Here’s the 3-step process:
1) Identify your target market’s problems
2) Find solutions for their problems
3) Give them your solutions to their problems.
So, the first thing we need to do is to go out into your niche and do a little research.
You should look for:
- What kind of people they mostly are?
Find Your Profitable Blog
• What are the most passionate about and why?
• What do they spend most of their time talking about (and probably thinking about) in regards to this topic?
• What are their main concerns/problems?
• What are they currently doing to solve their problems?
• What can you do to offer a solution to these problems?
The best places to go to find this information out are the places where your niche/target market hangs out; forums, popular websites, social sites, etc.
Find Forums In Your Niche
Do a search on Google for “(your niche here) forum) and if your niche is popular there will be sure to be plenty of results. Sign yourself up for these forums and start interacting with your target market.
Look through and study the most popular threads and find out what everyone is mostly talking about. You are sure to come across popular sub-topics.
Find out what are the most burning issues and problems in your niche that people are talking about. Find out what they are most passionate about. This is where the money is.
If you’re still unsure or want to cut to the chase, you could simply just straight out ask these questions on the forum and you’ll be sure to get some good ideas.
Choosing A Profitable Topic and Angle

The very first step before setting up your blog is to choose your blog’s topic or ‘niche’.
With blogging, you want to go after the MONSTER niches! You want to get involved in the niches that have massive amounts of traffic already. If there is already a ton of competition and traffic in the niche that means that there is money in that niche!
That also means that there are a ton of people who would be more than willing to write for your blog.
List of the top niches:
• Weight Loss
• Pets
• Entertainment & Celebrity Gossip
• Finance
• Technology
• Business
• Travel
• Food
• Gaming
Try to choose something that is both something you’re passionate about (or at least have some interest in) and something that’s
Profitable Blogging
profitable (something that other people are passionate about and are willing to spend money on).
Obviously, it’s really important that you have some knowledge of your niche so you know what you’re talking about when making blog posts. If you are knowledgeable on your topic, visitors to your website will perceive you as an expert and someone they can go to for advice.
The information you will be providing on your blog must be helpful and informative in order for you to build credibility and make money. People will only pay for information that is genuinely useful.
However, in saying this, you don’t actually have to be a qualified expert in your field, just as long as you know just a bit more than the average Joe. Even if you’re unsure whether you’re someone who can come across as being knowledgeable and credible in your niche, it’s nothing a little research won’t fix.
So, the first thing you should do is think about your interests and what you are passionate about. Something that is a big industry, that has a lot of money in it e.g. health and fitness.
Next, you will need to break this down into a sub-topic. For example, the health and fitness niche is very profitable, however, it is swamped with competition, so you will want to narrow it down to a smaller sub-niche such as ‘raw food diets’ or ‘Pilates for rock climbers’, etc.
Doing Keyword Research For Your Blog
Once you’ve found a popular target market that appears profitable and identified the key concerns and problems of that market, you will need to do a bit of keyword research.
What we’re looking for is a list of search terms that have high search volume and low competition. You still do want some amount of healthy competition because that is a good indicator of the market’s profitability. It means there are BUYERS in that niche.
The best place to start is Google’s, Keyword Tool:
Now take your niche idea(s) and think about what kind of keywords people would be typing into Google Search. Think about what words, in particular, have to do with problems or solutions in that niche.
For example, if I was making a blog on ‘raw food diets’ I would type in things like:
• Raw Food Weight Loss Diet
• Raw Food Diet Plan
• Lose Weight Raw Food
• Raw Food Cleanse
• Raw Food Diet
• Raw Food Benefits
Next, enter these into Google’s Keyword Tool:
So, as you can see by the search results this is a popular niche!
However, don’t worry too much about competition, because you’ve now narrowed your main niche (e.g. health and fitness) down to a sub-niche (e.g. raw food diets).
Now, make a note of the best keywords you can find that have both high search terms and are highly relevant because later on, you’ll need to try and incorporate them into the titles and content of your blog posts so you can benefit from SEO.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate advertisements are one of the best alternatives to make cash since a single sale will make you much more money than a single click on a contextual ad.
It’s something most bloggers are using nowadays and one of the most remunerative avenues to make a living from a blog. it’s probable to publicize affiliate products using various techniques. But blogging is one of the easiest and best alternatives to start on the path to earning a couple of passive revenue.
Just keep doubling these, and you’ll keep generating income. It’s that simple! jumpstart on the different steps, and your rewards will be even bigger. Most importantly, have fun! You’ll find that the more engaging your content, the higher returns you’ll enjoy.
Make Your Blog Monetization Strategies

Now that you have a website fully optimized, tweaked, and filled to the brim with related content, and you have begun to produce traffic to your website using free resources such as blog communities and social networks, it’s time to convert your blog into a money generating machine.
As a blogger, you can make money by promoting affiliate products on your website, by growing a list that you can promote your own products and services to, and you can even make money by joining blog project databases.
Where you are paid for writing about new launches, providing feedback on company products, or offering paid reviews for other new bloggers who are interested in gaining traffic from you.
While there are arguably dozens of ways to monetize your blog, there really are eight core methods that will help you earn a healthy income from your efforts.
Some of them are examples –
- Affiliate marketing
- Sell courses
- Email marketing
- Sell ebooks
- Sell coaching services
- Sell digital products
- Advertisements
And many more… some most common examples.
You will also want to create individual channels for each blog that you plan to feature AdSense on so that you can determine what campaigns are working well and track the CTR of each advertisement.
Ultimately Monetize Your Blog

When writing your blog, you should take care of some things so that your blog will help to be monetization.
- Focus – Keep focusing on the words of your main subject while writing your blog, do not pay attention to many things.
- Quality – Do not focus only on inserting content on your blog post. Quality content always draws your audience.
- Value – Always give valuable content so that people come out of that block and people like them more because they get information from them.
- Engagement – The more people join your content, the more likely they can buy something from you. Without engagement, monetization is a very low chance.
- Authority – The more rights you have, the more potential you can monetize your blog faster. For example, if you have a big social media and you resolve to launch the blog, you can run traffic faster.